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Daily Reggae News Chris Blake Daily Reggae News Chris Blake

The guitar greats hitting the stage at Cali Vibes 2022

The eyes of the reggae world are all on Long Beach this weekend for the 2022 Cali Vibes festival. The community's best artists, producers, and creatives will come together with fans underneath the California sun to celebrate the music, culture, and ethos of the beautiful genre we all hold so dear. As the date approaches, perhaps what we are most excited for is the high level of musicianship that will be on display all weekend; and to be more specific, the epic guitarists that will be making strings sing and setting fretboards on fire on the Cali Vibes stages. For anybody that loves the greatest instrument that has and ever will be created (bias admitted), these are the guitarists you won't want to miss at Cali Vibes 2022!

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Daily Reggae News Chris Blake Daily Reggae News Chris Blake

Iya Terra’s Nathan Aurora hosts awesome music-making and hangout live streams

Iya Terra’s Nathan Aurora is an incredible musician and we love watching his passion for music on constant display. If you haven’t watched his Song From Scratch livestreams or listened to the incredible songs that he produced, you have to check them out on YouTube, or SoundCloud. And of course, go listen to Iya Terra’s new album, Ease & Grace, which we love and jam often. Nathan is now hosting Wednesday and Sunday music streams, and you have to check them out! caught up with Nathan to learn more about what fans can expect by tuning into his Twitch live streams.

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