Top Shelf’s “New Kind Of World” is one of 2024’s best reggae rock albums 


Top Shelf’s “New Kind Of World” is one of 2024’s best reggae rock albums.

The Northern California band uses its music, lyrics and vision to help inspire a better world.

The band kicks off the LP with the track, “Wake the Lion” about uniting to fight for a better today and tomorrow. The band showcases incredible musicianship and I love listening to Carter Lane’s voice and delivery on every song.

Top Shelf perfectly chose to collaborate with Lutan Fyah in the album’s stand out track, “Rise”. Lane and Fyah’s vocals compliment one another in an epic way, and in times of crisis the song delivers a vital message of togetherness.

Speaking of coming together, you’ll dig the irie guitar licks, horn, and bass line in the track, “The Solution” - a song all about prioritizing love at all costs.

You’ll really hear the band’s creativity in “Miles Away” featuring Marlon Asher. The song’s riddim pulses just right and the song’s chorus was so well crafted. The track importantly calls out the importance of music no matter where you live.

Rock Steady” has a lovely roots reggae feel with some cool keys and Top Shelf’s patented guitar and bass working together. This will for sure be a fun song to hear the band perform at a show!

Top Shelf slows down the groove in the love song, “OMW”. The song features some cool background effects and once again you will be blown away with Lane’s vocals and the band’s positive energy.

Smooth guitar and Top Shelf’s jamming reggae rock will get you through any traffic jam. “Bumpy Ride” is a playful and fun track that brings a smile to my face even after a long day.

Through the ups and downs reggae is always there to bring a smile to our faces. At the same time it helps inspire us to be our best selves and to greet growth. Top Shelf’s tune “Struggle” helps us take baby steps to a brighter future.

By CB.


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